bool Eegeo::MapLayers::MapCollapseConfiguration::EnableEnvironmentFlatteningController |
Legacy app support - if false (the default), platform will not command Eegeo::Rendering::EnvironmentFlatteningService, avoiding any fighting with apps that make calls to EnvironmentFlatteningService::SetIsFlattened / ToggleFlattening. Recommendation is that apps configure PlatformConfigation with this field set true, and use MapCollapseModel::SetCollapsed rather than calling EnvironmentFlatteningService::SetIsFlattened directly.
bool Eegeo::MapLayers::MapCollapseConfiguration::EnableIndoorMapVisibilityController |
Legacy app support - if false (the default), platform will not command InteriorTransitionModel::SetVisibilityParam to fade indoor maps in and out. Recommendation is that apps configure this true, and avoid calling InteriorTransitionModel::SetVisibilityParam
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