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Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
\NEegeoContains Eegeo Apps on Maps SDK for mobile
 oNAndroidAndroid-specific platform types
 oNAnimatedObjectsCreation, lifetime management and control of animated models
 oNCameraCamera types and utilities
 |oNCameraHelpersCamera utility functions
 |\NGlobeCameraCamera controllers suitable for typical Apps on Maps
 oNCullingView determination and frustum culling of renderable resources
 oNDebugUtility types and functions for debugging and performance profiling
 oNDebugRenderingDebug visualisation utilities
 oNGeometryGeometric primitives, intersection queries, containment queries
 oNHelpersMiscellaneous utility types and functions
 oNInfrastructureProcess scheduling
 oNIODeserialisation of data formats
 |oNChunkedFileFormatEegeo streamied resource format deserialisation
 |\NPODPowerVR POD format deserialisation
 oNiOSIOS-specific platform types
 oNLightingRender lighting and fogging
 oNLocationNavigation and geographic concerns
 oNRenderingRendering types, including materials and shaders
 |oNAsyncTexturingAsynchronous fetching and lifetime mangement of texture resources
 |\NTextFont-based geometry
 oNResourcesStreamed Apps on Maps resources
 |oNBuildingsBuilding resources
 |oNCityThemesThemed skinning of resources
 |oNPlaceNamesPlace name resources
 |oNRoadsRoad resources
 |\NTerrainTerrain resources
 oNRoutesContains types and helper functions relating to Routes
 |oNClippingTypes concerned with transforming routes into multiple sections clipped against cell boundaries
 |oNFittingFitting routes against road and rail navigation graph resources
 |oNSimulationContains types and helper functions relating to Route Simulation
 ||oNCameraContains types and helper functions relating to Route Simulation Camera Controllers
 ||\NViewContains types and helper functions relating to Route Simulation View Binding
 |oNStyleVisual styling of rendered routes
 ||\NThicknessStyling of thickness attribute
 |\NViewContains types and helper functions relating to Route Rendering
 oNSpaceContains types and helper functions relating to coordinate space manipulation
 |oNCubeMapTypes and helper functions relating to projecting Earth sphere to and from a cube
 |\NSpaceHelpersHelper functions for coordinate conversion operations
 oNStreamingView determination, fetching and level of detail management of streamed resources
 |\NCoverageTreesSpecification of area coverage for streamed resources sources
 oNTrafficTraffic simulation and vehicle rendering
 oNUIUser interface
 oNUnicodeUnicode character support
 |\NUtf8Utf-8 Unicode character encoding/decoding
 oNWeatherWeather effects
 \NWebInternet connectivity and http services